Metropolitan Home Team Blog | RE/MAX Results — Metropolitan Home Team

Hard Work That Really Feels Good. An Interview With Andrew Beaton, Principal of Edina High School

Andrew "Andy" Beaton is the 'new kid on the block' at Edina High School, but his experience has established his credibility to take over one of the highest performing and most respected schools in Minnesota. His youth and passion make Beaton the perfect fit for a school that continues to excel in almost every area. Before Edina came knocking, Andy was principal of nearby Bloomington Kennedy high School, where he established high expectations of every student so that "all students can meet their potential." That same energy is being focused now on Edina High School, a school that is loved by both parents and students, and a school that has become a huge draw for home buyers looking to set their kids up for a bright future. So what makes this school tick? Why is it nationally known as a school that consistently outperforms academically and athletically? Find out in this in-depth interview. Perfect if Edina is on your short list of cities you're considering to raise your family.

Finding a Path For Every Student To Be Successful Is What Drives New Orono Principal Dr. Amy Steiner

Barely a year in, Dr. Amy Steiner has found a great fit in Orono. She loves the rigorous high standards along with the "small town feel" in a district that centrally locates their elementary, middle and high school, giving students a chance to work and tutor those in lower grades. Dr. Steiner's background involves working with special needs students, which has driven her to emphasize success, and develop pathways for success, for all students no matter their abilities. Dr. Steiner comes into a district that sends 90% of their students to college. She also is proud of their partnership with Hennepin Technical, which gives students a chance to explore careers in cuisine, law enforcement, construction, automotive and more. In this interview you'll learn:

*How new students receive help from other students

*The inclusive positive culture of the student body

*That almost 90% of students are involved in outside activities, and how the new Orono Activity Center has contributed to school activities

*What parents need to do when considering a move to Orono