Metropolitan Home Team Blog | RE/MAX Results — Metropolitan Home Team

Lakeville MN MLS Listings: Good Place to Start a Class on Real Estate

Lakeville MN MLS Listings: Good Place to Start a Class on Real Estate

Wouldn’t it be great if high schools started a Driver’s Education kind of class for real estate? At some point—I think it was in the 1930s—Americans realized that it would be a good idea for the public schools to offer Driver’s Ed, just as a matter of public safety. If you’ve ever tried to deal with a clutch and stick shift built before the mid-50s, you’ll understand the need. Too bad the damage that can result from lack of real estate knowledge isn’t as obvious as a dented garage door.

Lakeville MN Homeowners Watch as the Pieces Come Together In This Week’s Real Estate News

Lakeville MN Homeowners Watch as the Pieces Come Together In This Week’s Real Estate News

This week of 8.24 - 8.28.2015 was a head-swiveling version of a follow-the-dots puzzle, for those who keep tabs, national news related to Twin Cities real estate. Children like following the numbered dots to reveal a picture. You can’t be sure what it will turn out to look like until the end. This month was a lot like that:

Minneapolis Man Cave History Traced Back to Dawn of Time…

Minneapolis Man Cave History Traced Back to Dawn of Time…

Without risking a theological debate, it’s clear that something Darwinian is taking place when it comes to some recent developments in Minneapolis home refurbishment. We’re talking about today’s Minneapolis man caves. 

Cleaner clean?

Cleaner clean?

While it’s virtually impossible to avoid encountering any chemicals in our modern world, it’s easier than you think to lessen their presence in your Lakeville MN home…particularly when it comes to your cleaning products.  Here are a few simple, all natural swaps that will help make your home greener and cleaner.

Lakeville Mn Readers, Find Sweet Real Estate Reports

Lakeville Mn Readers, Find Sweet Real Estate Reports

Lakeville Mn area’s real estate picture usually differs little from that of the nation as a whole. The latest rumblings from the mass media and web continue to bolster the picture of rising values and quickening activity—a sweet story with nary a sour note. In fact the unanimity of voices from almost every corner of the country is a story in itself. There was just one exception. 

Buying a Lakeville, MN House: Is Buying New the Best Choice?

Buying a Lakeville, MN House: Is Buying New the Best Choice?

When it comes to buying a house in Lakeville, MN, almost the first thing most of us do is to check the online listings to see what’s out there that catches our eye...

Lakeville, MN Home Sellers – Be Ready for these 8 Surprising Disclosure Requirements

Lakeville, MN  Home Sellers – Be Ready for these 8 Surprising Disclosure Requirements

If you’ve never been involved in selling a Lakeville, MN home before, you may be surprised as to how much paperwork is involved. Dozens of documents need to be reviewed, and dozens more need to be duly signed and notarized to make them “official”. 

Lakeville, MN Self-Employed, Getting a Loan Takes Planning

Lakeville, MN Self-Employed, Getting a Loan Takes Planning

You don’t have to tell anyone who is self-employed in Lakeville, MN there are extra costs that go with the benefits. In addition to the long hours and weight of responsibility that come with the job description, getting a home loan has always added special challenges. Now that we are into the new Dodd-Frank era of federal oversight, some of the changes warrant an early heads-up.