In the Sport of Lakeville MN Property Searching, You are the Captain! — Metropolitan Home Team

In the Sport of Lakeville MN Property Searching, You are the Captain!

For anyone who has never participated in a serious house-hunting effort, their mental image of how the experience will unfold may be a little off. They might imagine that, after narrowing down their requirements for a Lakeville MN home (size, price range, and the like) they will agree on a day and time, then just climb into their Lakeville MN agent’s car and settle back to have the likely prospect properties exposed before them.

Lakeville MN Property Searching

In fact, the house-hunting procedure is almost like that, except for one major detail:

A property search is a participation sport! 

Experienced Lakeville MN property searchers have learned to husband their energy on any day that includes home showings. Especially when their property search doesn’t immediately yield a find that fits their target criteria, they know that it may take a while—and more than a few house-hunting outings—before they identify a suitable house.

What takes so much energy? Sophisticated home buyers know that every showing holds the possibility they could be setting foot in what might just become their future home. Every showing is literally the only time they will ever have a valid ‘first impression’ of the place that might become a major purchase. And each of those first impressions often come as part of a day that includes multiple showings—one that can easily result in a jumble of impressions, where homes with similar features are easily confused in memory. Since second and subsequent showings should be reserved for properties that qualify as serious contenders, wasted time and effort (not to mention inconvenience to the homeowners) can be avoided by alert, sharp-eyed property searchers. It takes stamina!

That’s why more experienced prospects know from the outset that a home showing isn’t a passive experience. It’s not a bad idea to have a pen handy for jotting notes on the listing sheets the Lakeville MN agent provides—notes about distinguishing features (good and bad!) that will help with comparisons at the end of the day.

For those who are veterans of previous property searches, this is old news: they remember reviewing sessions that include, “No – that was the one with the bay windows, not the one with the [fill in the blank].”  For first-timers, it’s good to know in advance: a property search is a participation sport. And you’re the team captain!

If you are about to embark on the search for a Lakeville MN property, or have one that’s soon to be listed, do give me a call. Properly arranging efficient home tours is only part of my track record of helping successful home sales happen!     

P.S. Please feel free to call or e-mail me at anytime for a FREE No Cost, No Obligation Consultation. My goal is to help as many families as I can.

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 Tim Murphy - MN & WI Licensed Realtor

Metropolitan Home Team @ RE/MAX RESULTS


P: 612.470.7653






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Copyright 2015 Murphy Inc. All Rights Reserved. This is not intended as legal, technical, or tax advice. Please speak with a licensed professional before making any decision. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed as of the date of writing. The views expressed here are Tim Murphy’s personal views and do not reflect the views of Metropolitan Home Team.